John R. Moffatt, CPA, CFF

John Moffatt, a Managing Consultant with Resolution Management Consultants, Inc. (RMC), has over 35 years of experience in finance, public and private accounting, and internal controls experience including Big 4 experience with KPMG and Arthur Andersen & Co., plus collaborations with PwC, Ernst & Young, and Deloitte & Touche.  A Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Mr. Moffatt is also Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Mr. Moffatt’s experience includes litigation support, fraud examinations, forensic accounting work, audits of SEC filers, IPO’s, mergers, computer software installations, Sarbanes-Oxley Act (“SOX”) documentation and testing.

Mr. Moffatt’s forensic accounting work experience includes an audit of a large engineer/constructor. Key areas examined were change orders, cost accumulation, labor, and labor burden, equipment costs, bonuses, incentives, chargebacks, and revenue recognition. Another assignment involved the audit of a wastewater/sewage treatment facility required as a pre-requisite to obtaining additional financing. Work included ensuring that the recorded costs were supported by source documents; that purchases were properly authorized; that items were received and approved by authorized personnel; which were then recorded timely and accurately in the books and records; and reconciling payment with purchases.

On another assignment, Mr. Moffatt reviewed the calculation of damages prepared by an expert related to two fires that led to the sale of the companies involved. His task was to determine whether the calculation of damages was prepared based on recoverable costs and whether the assumptions used and the financial records relied upon were reliable and in accordance with acceptable standards.

Mr. Moffatt possesses a thorough familiarity and understanding of Subpart 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) that addresses permissible indirect costs, and has produced overhead rate analyses in accordance with the applicable provisions.

Mr Moffatt has also been involved in a variety of assignments that relate to determinations of the reasonableness and proper allocation of monies alleged to have been incurred on various projects and the possibility of fraud. Examples include the investigation of the misappropriation of funds by a controller of a non-profit company, where he identified the extent of the fraud and the amount of monies misappropriated. These findings were turned over to management to support the prosecution of the former controller for purposes of restitution. Mr. Moffatt has also provided litigation support for various projects that entailed reviewing large amounts of documentation in order to support the defense of his clients in a suit brought by several banks alleging misappropriation of funds. Another project involved the review of the accounting processes at a mortgage company, with the goal of detecting potential fraud.

Mr. Moffatt also supported a state military department by monitoring the costs of building a new headquarters under a design-build GMP Agreement; reviewed the documentation of change orders related to the refurbishment of passenger train cars; and provided forensic accounting assistance for a state department of law related to a multi-story office lease build-out.

Additional assignments involved the verification of, and accounting for, alleged costs included in a suit seeking compensation for defective products, where he was responsible for determining the amount of sales of the products in question.  On another project, Mr. Moffatt managed a three-year contract with PennDOT to perform commercial vehicle registration audits.  This project required the audits of the registrant’s records to verify that mileage was being properly allocated to states, and that the states were being properly compensated for the registration monies owed.

Another area of services in which Mr. Moffatt has been involved are process improvement studies, wherein he was responsible for reviewing existing procedures at a mortgage company, a manufacturing firm and an insurance company to identify deficiencies and recommend improvements in the accounting and other financial functions to the firms’ existing procedures.

Mr. Moffatt has also performed due diligence work in connection with mergers.  This work consisted of reviewing financial and tax matters, technology/intellectual property, customers/sales, material contracts, employee/management issues, litigation, regulatory issues, and related party transactions.  He has also installed general ledger systems for two companies.

He also led teams involved in the restatement of financial statements covering 5 years at a Big 5 advertising holding company.  Also at the holding company, he was a member of the project management office that remediated 18 material SOX weaknesses, and led the team that installed and ran the SOX software which was used to document the controls for the 330+ SOX locations, performed testing, documented the remediation steps taken and work performed to validate the remediation.